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Laney, yes another one...:)

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2013

Well yes sir, we do have another dog for adoption.  This gal went to a home but came back because they didn't have a fence.  So here's Laney, who came home with Chloe over the summer when she was training for the Midsouth Kids Triathlon.  She's 8 months, crate and leash trained plus she's excellent with kids, cats and other dogs.  There's always something and hers is that she eats chickens so she's at the clinic waiting for a forever home.  She's adorable.  I've added some recent photos on here too.

And I should admit to slow blogging due to camera issues.  Every one of these photos is with my phone.  I have got to order a new camera, the one that we broke on the Katy Trail is whacked out.  I was using it and just holding the lens with my finger but now it won't stay charged.  I'm in the market for a new one and I'd love to hear any thoughts on one I can carry in my purse.  Spay/neuter, you can make an impact on your community.
The Laney

I had to stop at Levesque and take this shot...the cotton
is ready for harvest
OKAY so Monday I was at Wal-mart getting the vet clinic
decorations for the homecoming game and I saw this guy
in the store.  He was parked out where I was getting the hay
and I asked him what he was doing (and the fact that I love
to tour...yes, yes I do).  He was on his way to North Carolina
for his sister's wedding.  Where is he coming from you ask?
That would be Estes Park, Colorado and according to Mapquest
that's 1713 miles and would have taken him on the Katy Trail
that Jackie and I were on over the summer.  WOW!!!  When
he saw me taking a drive by photo of him he asked that I email
a photo of him so I did.  I hope he made it out there!

Another shot

School was out Monday so Chloe watched her cousins....
they made a fort in the swing set....

YAY we had another successful Walk to School Day on
Wednesday.  We had 33 kids roll out on that cool morning, we
were so excited about the crowd!

Here's another shot of the fort......:)

Chloe dressed up for the 1980's
week at school...bale bottoms and a
do rag cute...

Oh yes, the Honey Crisps are here....was gettin these fabulous
things when I ran into that touring cyclist.....I'm in heaven!

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