Wednesday, March 10, 2010 was a busy day today! I rarely blog about anything not food related but after school Chloe greeted me with a huge bouquet of Winnie Bob's daffodils. She did this too last Wednesday that I've had on my kitchen island for a week. I am blessed to have Winnie Bob's legacy of flowers that usually start Valentine's through April 15, that's two months of being able to have fresh flowers in my home. I am so thankful for this.
I was busy today packing for a weekend in Chicago with best friend Wendy who will be taking me to see her symphony Friday and tour me around her fabulous city. But it was so sweet to me when Chloe said, "mom, I have something for you....(when I was packing in the back), these are for you!". I had the good goose bumps realizing how much I'll miss her for a couple of days.
Of course I've left Jackie four days worth of duties including Music Club Friday, an overnight Birthday Party for her best friend Bailey Bigger, piano practice, and a chapter of math practice to be done by Monday. I haven't listed the chicken chores, refrigerator duties and picking up before Donna comes, but I guess Jackie won't be sitting on the couch....
I look forward to my first trip to Chicago this year. I love, love Chicago and it's culture, arts, food and of course, the best symphony in the world. I'll blog soon about the places we flight!
PS. I will add flowers throughout this spring, we have over a dozen varieties of daffodils that will come up over the coming months...
PSS. I will take time to write in my journal for Chloe. This is a tradition I started for her when she was born. For some reason, I want to write to her in case I'm not there to tell her about all the wonderful things she's doing and I've included her growth in stories, how she surprises me and shows me what an individual she'll be. It's amazing this motherhood. Chloe is a gift that I'll treasure in my heart forever. More journaling tonight, it's my habit when I get on a plane or travel without her. She's the love of my life. (That journal is in my nightstand Kara, just in case...just!)
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